Tuesday 23 April 2013

Feedback response

Unit 9 Evaluation

We were given three subjects: Nature/Decay, A School Brochure and a photo essay, and we had to take, edit and present the photos of each subject.

The nature photos I took were all landscapes,  and two of them were panoramas that capture more of a scene than  an individual frame. I wanted  to take landscapes at they wit within the nature theme and I had a large number of landscapes that I had taken in the last couple of years that I could use for this subject. Since it was winter, the images that I used for the school brochure had a grim look straight out of the camera, so I decided to run with this idea and gave all of the images a dark look. using sledging as a subject for my photo essay was something of a spur of the moment thing, as we were not expecting snow on the weekend i planned to shoot. so a few friends and myself decided to  go sledging, and use image we took for our photo essays. I wanted my images to convey the excitement, energy and movement of sledging.

My favorite parts of this project was Taking and editing the images as I have some experience in taking and editing photos, as it is one of my hobbies, so I had past experience with operating a camera and using image editing software (although I primarily use Lightroom as opposed to photoshop). The parts of the unit that I least enjoyed were the annotations and planning stages, simply because they were a lot of typing and writing, as opposed to being out shooting or editing images.

The top image is one of my personal favorite images that I took. I think it works well due to the combination of good lighting, nice composure and  the blurring of the stream by setting a low shutter speed. The professional image below works for the same reasons.

The image at the top is probable my least favourite  image of all of the images that I took over the course of the unit. This is due to the focus being slightly off, and the lack of contrast in the photo. The composition is also pretty uninteresting, and the image is too dark. The professional image below mine is similar, but works because of the better contrast and focus.
I improved my photography skills by reading magazines and online articles on photography, and watching instructional videos on the internet. I was lucky going into this unit as i already had some experience with photography. I improved my editing skills in much the same way, watching and reading instructional videos.
I chose flickr for my photo essay and nature photos, as it is a simple, clean looking way of presenting photos, and it is easy to embed a slideshow onto the blog. The only way to present the brochure was... in a brochure.
I created this using Adobe Photoshop.

I got feedback from my images using  a free online form called freedback. I created the form and then embedded it onto the blog. them, people could fill out and submit the form, and I would receive an e-mail that told me who had filled out the form.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Freedback feedback

Email Address:
Please comment on the suitability of the photos used in the school brochure
What impression do you get from the brochure images?
In general, how could the images have been improved? Better original images
Improved focus
More interesting subjects
Less obvious editing
none of the above- They're all okay.
Looking at the photo essay photos, is the subject of the photos clear?
What impression do you get from my photo essay images?
In general, how could the images in my photo essay be improved? Better original images
Improved focus
More interesting subjects
Less obvious editing
None of the above- they're fine
What do you think of the nature photos I have taken?
What impression do you get of the Nature images
In general, how could the images in my photo essay be improved? Better original images
Improved Focus
More Interesting Subjects
Less obvious editing
None of the above- They're Fine
Out of the three subjects, which set of photos were the best and why?
Out of the three subjects, which set of photos was the worst and why?

Get your own free form like this one.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Flickr Slideshow: Nature

Probably best viewed on flickr's actual website due to the aspect ratio of the panoramas.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Editing images: School brochure 4

 Original image: Not bad as it is, but lacking contrast.
 Increased black colour in selective colour mixer to boost contrast and increased exposure slightly to compensate for the darker points.